Released on Netflix in mid-2023, Behind Your Touch is a Korean drama series with a light-hearted and comedic premise. The series follows thirty-something Bong Ye-Bun (Han Ji-min), a depressed veterinarian who can suddenly see through her animal patient’s memories when she touches them. Later, Moon Jang-Yeol (Lee Min-ki), an eager young detective, learns of her powers and recruits her to help him communicate with animal witnesses from various investigations around town. This story is set in a small Korean town where what constitutes a crime would typically be petty and sometimes laughable misdeeds: poisoning a neighbour’s prized onion and runaway dairy cows. However, during its 16-episode run, the series gradually takes on a much darker tone. 

Poster for Behind Your Touch. Image courtesy of Behind Your Touch/IMDB.

The duo slowly uncover a strain of evidence that points to a decades-long corruption case by going through the memories of different animal witnesses in unrelated cases. At the centre of it is the local assemblyman, Chairman Cha (Lee Seung-Joon), and the Chairman that came before him, who has now been promoted to state minister. From then on, the series reveals that it has been a tongue-in-cheek critique of the Korean government, showcasing the people’s distrust of their government workers and politicians. This is why Behind Your Touch is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal of Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions.

Trailer for Behind Your Touch. Video courtesy of Netflix K-Content/YouTube.

The series’ portrayal of the public's distrust comes during a political crisis in South Korea, culminating in President Yoon Suk Yeol declaring martial law on 3 December 2024. In a matter of hours, citizen protesters took to the streets and assisted their parliament to overrule the declaration in a mere six hours. Now, in early January 2025, the President is set to be impeached and has defied arrest warrants from the Corruption Investigation Office (CIO), once again using his presidential guards and military troops as a shield. Meanwhile, Acting President Choi Sang-mok immediately faced political maelstrom that was heightened by the Jeju Air Flight 2216 disaster, which crash landed at the airport and killed 170 people. Hence, it is vital that media such as Behind Your Touch continuously assist South Korean citizens in being critical of their incumbent government.

Still from Behind Your Touch. Image courtesy of Behind Your Touch/IMDB.

Behind Your Touch masterfully blends lighthearted comedy with dark social critique, evolving from a quirky mystery series to a sharp commentary on systemic corruption and public distrust in South Korea's government. By weaving its narrative around a decades-long corruption case, the show mirrors the political tensions and crises that have shaken the nation, such as the recent impeachment efforts against President Yoon Suk Yeol. It highlights the importance of holding institutions accountable and empowering citizens to demand transparency and justice. Therefore, Behind Your Touch serves as both an engaging drama and a timely reminder of the power of media to foster critical awareness in turbulent times.

Find out more about Behind Your Touch and other shows by Netflix Korea on their website or Instagram @netflixkr

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