Located in an antique market in Jatinegara, Jakarta, Kongsi 8 (The Union of the 8) is everything an art space could be and should be. It is a communal studio, a co-op art store, and even a small artist-run caffé named Kantin Rawa Bunga. Made by artists for artists and creatives alike, the idea behind the space is to give artists of all ages in all stages of their careers, a place to gather and share their work without the constraints, formality, and rigidity of traditional art space; spaces that are usually run by institutions such as galleries, museums, and government bodies.

In its day-to-day programming, Kongsi 8, whose homey space has been likened to feeling like a visit to grandma’s home, places heavy emphasis on creating an inclusive and intersectional space. This means that the space welcomes artists and members of the public that are often marginalized and discriminated against, including those who are disabled, do not fit into heteronormative society, or are part of Indigenous minority groups. Here again, Kongsi 8 places emphasis on creating an experimental and yet accessible space where everyone, without exception, is invited to come, have fun, and be able to make a living out of their art. This is why the work that Kongsi 8 does is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal of Decent Work And Economic Growth, Reduced Inequalities and Gender Equality.

How’s Your Day? Focus Group Discussion hosted by Ika Vantiani at Kongsi 8. Image courtesy of @kongsi.8/Instagram.

Kongsi 8 is entirely volunteer-run, with its management expenses shared between the creatives who frequent the space. They frequently host workshops, talks, and even parties to cultivate a sense of community in the space. One of their stand-out programmes is How’s Your Day? Focus Group Discussions hosted by artist, Ika Vantiani. During the sessions, participants are free to share and express their thoughts and opinions on a wide range of current affairs topics without fear or judgement. The environment that is cultivated in these sessions calls for mutual respect between its participants; it helps people train their empathy and learn how to listen to other people who are experiencing today’s events differently from them.

Kongsi 8 Art Shop, displaying various hand-made artist zines. Image courtesy of @_1026__/Instagram.

Kongsi 8 is also particularly known for its Zine Club and shop, with a dedicated space to display the various art zines. Hosted by artist Hai Rembulan, the Kongsi 8 Zine Club is a donation-based zine-making workshop that is held in the space or even outdoors at the park. The goal is to encourage its participants to creatively express their thoughts and feelings in a zine, using paintings, drawing sketching and even collage, much like a journal.

Kantin Rawa Bunga, the Kongsi 8 Caffé. Image courtesy of @_1026__/Instagram.

Kongsi 8 is a space for inclusivity and creativity in the Jakarta art scene. By fostering an environment where artists of all backgrounds can freely express themselves and connect with each other and with an audience, the space helps to challenge the traditional, often exclusionary models of art spaces. Its diverse programming, volunteer-run operations, and a strong emphasis on community and accessibility means that it is fully committed to promoting intersectionality and supporting marginalized groups, creating hope for an equitable future in the art ecosystem.

Sebuah Lagu untuk Teman (A Song for a Friend) Zine by Kongsi 8 and Rara Sekar. Image courtesy of @kongsi.8/Instagram.

Find out more about Kongsi 8 and their many initiatives by checking their Instagram on @kongsi.8.

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