Alex Odorico is an American pixel artist who has taken the medium back to the physical world by painting his pixels on a real stretched canvas. He also almost exclusively paints natural scenery. In Odorico’s hands, everything from flowers to mountainscapes and seaside views is rendered into 8-bit pixel squares. These paintings are meant to reflect human life with nature as seen through the digital age. 

Follow Light by Alex Odorico. Image courtesy of Alex Odorico’s website.

It recalls how, today, so much of humanity’s experience of nature is mediated through pixels on a screen. Through these screens, human beings familiarize themselves with nature, going so far as to emulate what it means to “enjoy” nature just by viewing these screens. However, when the carbon footprint of digital devices is taken into consideration, today’s digital existence is an ambivalent phenomenon at best. 

Detail of Follow Light by Alex Odorico. Image courtesy of Alex Odorico’s website.

Therefore, experiencing nature in the digital age comes with both pros and cons, all of which have been reflected in Odorico’s piece. At the end of the day, his pieces call for humanity to reconsider how the digital age has transformed Mother Nature and Her relationship with Homo sapiens. It calls for increased attention to create technological innovations that support the grandeur of Mother Nature so that they can still be enjoyed for generations to come. This is why pixel art paintings by Alex Odorico are aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals of Life on Land and Climate Action.

Mother Goddess by Alex Odorico. Image courtesy of Alex Odorico’s website.

Aside from being an artist, Odorico is a professional web developer, which is where his fascination for digital technology stems from. However, because the internet, gadgets, and other supporting tech account for almost 4 percent of the global greenhouse emissions, it would have been hard for Odorico as an artist not to speak up about the issue. In 2020, almost half of the world’s population used the internet. This usage generates the same amount of carbon footprint produced by the airline industry— a number that, according to a researcher from Lancaster University, will only double by next year, the year 2025.

Wish You Were Here by Alex Odorico. Image courtesy of Alex Odorico’s website.

Despite this dreary status quo, Odorico chooses to depict hopeful paintings for nature. His sceneries appear tranquil, showcasing images that would often be associated with nature at its finest. His sunflower sways gently in the wind, while the warm sun slowly rises in the horizon of his seaside views. Even his paintings of snowy mountain tops look peaceful. They appear composed and undisturbed by human activity. This is why Odorico’s paintings are hopeful takes for a future where digital technological advancement can coexist with nature. It calls for a state where nature remains pristine and grand, impertured by any waste generated by the digital age.

Alex Odorico’s pixel art paintings masterfully blend the digital and natural worlds. By doing so, they prompt a reflection on humanity’s relationship with nature in the digital age. His works, which transform picturesque natural sceneries into 8-bit landscapes, remind his viewers of the dual-edged nature of technology: one that can bring humanity closer to nature while slowly destroying nature with its carbon footprint. Still, Odorico’s depictions of serene views carry hopeful messages for a future where technological advancements can stand in harmony with nature.

Find out more about paintings by Alex Odorico and their other initiatives by checking their Instagram on @alexodoricoart.

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